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发布时间:2019-07-03   浏览量:

Graduation ceremony for class of 2017: you dreamed, you believed, you survived!

By Alejandro Artiach, 3th July


June 25th was a festive day as the DSCC Master of Public Management, Class of 2017, celebrated their graduation.

Alejandro Artiach作为此次典礼的主持人,对所有的毕业生及陪伴他们出席这一重要时刻的亲朋好友送上了最亲切的问候。

In a ceremony moderated by Alejandro Artiach, the event gathered this year’s graduates in a room full of friends and family present to accompany their loved ones at the highest point of their academic journey in China.


Following a beautiful video that captured fond memories of the graduates’ times at BNU, Professor Zhang Qiang was first to take the floor for traditional Commencement Speech.
Prof. Zhang welcomed the newly confirmed graduates as intercultural ambassadors between China and their respective communities, stressing their responsibility to thrive not only as individuals but also as empowering community leaders.


The floor then handed to Professor Yang Lichao who, as the representative of lecturer this year, voiced the academic body’s pride to having accompanied this diverse and committed pool of students in their academic journey. Prof. Yang trusted that their achievement shall now be foundational for further greater impact as members of society.

接下来,Edward Paye Echo Lama 作为2017级留学生学生会主席代表全体学生进行了发言。不得不说,Edward 不仅是有潜力的学者,将来也一定会是好的领导者。在Edward发言之后,Andreas Kirkegaard作为现任留学生学生会主席也表达了对所有毕业生的祝福,同时也对他的“师哥”为学生会所做的一切而感到衷心的感谢。最后,林琳作为社发院中国学生学生会主席进行了发言,她表示中国学生和留学生在社发院相遇相知的友谊将持续为中国和世界友谊桥梁的建设添砖加瓦。学生代表们发言结束后,学生Christian Andres Munoz Orozco在自由发言环节对每位老师和所有同学的两年相伴,表达了最诚挚的感谢。

It was then the turn of student representative to speak, with a grateful Edward Paye Echo Lama who spoke as former President of the Student Leadership, reminiscing of the privilege it had been to be trusted as a valuable learner today and a caring leader tomorrow. Andreas Kirkegaard, the current President of the Student Leadership, pronounced a few words, congratulating the new graduates and thanking their transcendent contribution to facilitating the next generation of international students’ adaptation to BNU. Lin Lin then took the floor as the representative of Chinese students at SSDPP. She highlighted the immense opportunity both Chinese and foreign students have to be builders of fruitful and long-lasting exchanges between China and the world. Christian Andres Munoz Orozco closed the keynote session with a heartwarming recognition of each of his classmates and professors who accompanied him and his classmates over the past two years at BNU.

在典礼的最后时刻,Miguel Salazar教授为EdwardLwana进行了优秀学生干部颁奖仪式,感谢他们在这两年的辛苦付出。

As the event approach to the end, Professor Miguel Salazar invited both students Edward and Lwana to accept a special recognition from the faculty for their outstanding contribution to the student body.


Finally, Professor Zhang closed the 2019 DSCC Graduation Ceremony by calling all students to join him on stage and receive their coveted graduation diploma. Then Professor Wang Xinsong gave his best wishes to all the graduates and some suggestions for some of them who are going to apply Doctors’ degree in the next future. All protagonists and faculty members then gathered for the traditional graduation photography under a wave of applause coming from a proud crowd of family and friends.


A final tea reception closed what certainly was an emotional afternoon for all graduates who will soon part ways and close a chapter of their lives only to open a bright new one fueled with the invaluable learnings they have acquired during their time at BNU.

Qiuyu Dong contributed to this report.