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汶川地震灾区居民与NGO信任关系的嬗变——以Z组织幸福村灾后重建项目为例/The evolution of the trust Relationship between NGO and Residents in Wenchuan Earthquake Affected Area: A case study of a development project in Xingfu village

发布时间:2013-03-27   浏览量:


评议人:卢玮静 巴战龙


With the study of a development project run by a NGO which named Z in the severest disaster area, this study explored the process of how the trust relationship between the NGO and the peasants evolved and also, reflected on the NGO’s intervention during they operating a project. This study is carried out by the intrinsic case study. It has nosed out some interesting facts: Firstly, to build a trust relationship is easy but to maintain the relationship is hard. Secondly, the trust relationship is dynamic actually, and the process revolved around the benefits. Besides, No matter how the residents did not trust the project run by the NGO, they always thought that the NGO itself and the Project Officer are trustworthy. It is said that "The NGO and the Project Officer, wishing only to do good, but often cannot help doing harm."