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非政府组织在公共冲突化解中的作用机制研究/Study of the Functional Role of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Public Conflict Resolution

发布时间:2013-04-03   浏览量:


评议人:卢玮静 王新松

近年来,我国的公共冲突事件频繁发生。如何有效地预防和化解公共冲突已成为一个需要迫切回答的问题。本研究通过对L组织介入L.J村水污染冲突化解的个案研究,试图解释NGOs在公共冲突化解中的角色扮演及其是如何发挥作用的。研究发现:1.NGOs作为社会公益的代言人,作为中立型第三方的角色介入公共冲突的化解,有助于公共冲突中的各相关方走上理性解决冲突的轨道。2. NGOs通过沟通、协调、谈判、利益整合以及资源补给等技术和手段,整合争论问题、改变利益博弈状态、转化冲突各方的关系结构,从而最终成功化解公共冲突。3. NGOs不仅能够在公共冲突化解的过程阶段发挥重要作用,还可以参与到全程管理中,影响公共冲突的后续化解及前期预防。

In recent years, public conflict incidents have been happening more frequently in China. How to effectively prevent and resolve public conflicts has become a question requiring effective solutions. This study tries to illustrate what roles should NGOs play in intervening in public conflict resolution? And in what phase and how can NGOs function in public conflict management? This research comes up with following findings: 1. NGOs can serve as spokesperson for public welfare. This means that NGOs are not the spokesperson for the interests of any party, but is an independent and neutral party for coordinating among all conflicting parties and resolving public conflict. In this way, NGOs can help interested parties to resolve the conflict in a rational way; 2. By using various means like negotiations, interests integration, resources supplies, to joint controversial problems, change the game mode, transfer the relationship structure among interested parties, and finally resolve the public conflict; 3. NGOs can play a vital role in the whole process of public conflict resolution.