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SSDPP Convenes Dean’s Seminar

Release time:2012-12-28   views:

The first Dean’s Seminar of this semester was convened in Meeting Room 2026 of the North Main Building of SSDPP from 9 to 12 o’clock on the morning of December 26, 2012. Dean Zhang Xiulan, Teacher Zhang Yurong and the ordinary postgraduates and doctors enrolled in 2012 attended the event.

On the seminar, Dean Zhang first introduced the current development situation and management system of SSDPP and then talked about how to guarantee the correct development direction of SSDPP and a series of student-related work to be promoted. Finally, in the interaction process, Dean Zhang asked the students about their study and life in SSDPP over the past four months, collected the students' recommendations for the development of our school and responded to their suggestions. In the whole process of the forum, Dean Zhang repeatedly emphasized SSDPP’s "student-centered" philosophy, talked about her personal experience in study and working and encouraged the students to cherish the moment, read more classics and strengthen theoretical study to lay a solid foundation for future development.

        Finally, the symposium came to an end in a heated discussion. After the meeting, the students said that they learned a lot from the event, had a deeper understanding of their majors and will take part in more forums like this in the future.