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SSDPP Successfully Held the Fourth Photography Contest

Release time:2013-05-08   views:

Themed "To Perceive the Society and Record Wonderful Moments", the photography contest was sponsored by SSDPP Graduate Union and organized by the Propaganda Department. WE started the preparation work in March. After one month of hard work, through call for papers, screening and assessment, we finally selected one works for first prize, two for second prize, three for third prize and a number of works for participation award.

The photography contest themed "To Perceive the Society" is a major characteristic of SSDPP’s student activities. It is organized to enrich the spare time of SSDPP’s teachers and students and encourage people to watch the society from diverse perspectives through combining with SSDPP’s academic content and characteristics. Now, the contest has been held for three times and praised by our teachers and students. Based on the former theme of  "To Perceive the Society", this photography contest is themed  "To Perceive the Society and Record Wonderful Moments",.

Since it was held, the photography contest has been greatly supported by SSDPP’s teachers and students and collected more than 20 copies of works and over 40 photos. After votes of the Graduate Union and public reviewers including MPA students, graduate students and overseas students, we finally named the awards. The following are some of the award-winning works:

First prize works: 
Pi Xingcan  “Curiosity”



Works Description: Perhaps poverty blocks their contact with the outside world, but they have never lost their curious mind. When we passed the village, some of them stopped playing the self-made toys and some stuck their little heads behind the walls, looking at us curiously. They must be wondering: "Who on earth are these big brothers and sisters? "


Second prize works: 
Sun Jian


Works Description: The outside world is exciting and silent and the life in the classroom is silent and wonderful. In the sunshine, we see many children’s innocent faces and preschool teachers’ beautiful smiles. Against the glass, we see a longing soul and a simple hall. In my eyes, it is beautiful because hope makes it a loving paradise. –2012 SSDPP’s First Visit Migrants Nursery.


Third prize work: 
Huang Shan  “Farewell”



Works Description: A school for orphans near Hezuo City of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture was founded by a local living Buddha. We stayed in the school for only one hour, giving the children some daily necessities, dictionaries, stationery and lollipops. Dozens of children went to the school gate with us, waved their hands and shouted: "Thank you... ". With tears in eyes, we left them. We cannot imagine how the teachers who worked here for two years say goodbye to these children when they leave the school. Bless them