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Application of risk management in the security governance of public organizations

Release time:2012-10-10   views:
Speakers:Zhou Ling
Discussants:Wang Xiying
Content introduction:

An emergency management system is being built up across China where much energy is being devoted to deal with incidents after they happened. However, the work should be done more proactively which means any risk should be eliminated before it turns into a real incident. Risk management, a more proactive work to eliminate any risk before it turns into a real incident, can help improve the integrity, feasibility and proactive response of an emergency management system. Since 1916 when the idea was firstly introduced to improve the management performance of corporate, risk management has been widely used in different areas, especially the business and government management. On the base of international and local experiences, the report aims to give a framework of risk management as well as certain problems need to be tackled during practice, thus to help improve the emergency management work in China.