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The Retirement Preparation in Middle-aged Professional Women in Beijing and Tianjin

Release time:2012-12-05   views:
Speakers:Lv Daoyu
Discussants:Yang Lichao
Content introduction:

Middle-aged professional women met the resumption of College Entrance Examination. Meanwhile, they also were mothers of the first generation of only child and worked at the areas as “Much older, more popular”. The problem of their retirement reflects lots of social problems, like retirement age, empty-nest family, professional women, social equity and represents the development trend of women retirement in future. However, different from well-research in West, China lacks of due attention to this group. Therefore, this research interviewed some middle-aged professional women in Beijing and Tianjin to see what they prepared for the retirement. The initial finding is that they did much more preparation on psychology, and there were some anti-traditional changes on behavior. Then based on life course, the research takes “mother” as a timeline to describe the first half of their lives to analyze how their retirement attitude and preparation generated and what cultural and aged characters they reflects.