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Tian Ming
Research Fields: Urbanization, Regional Development and Regional Planning, Development Pl...  




Sept. 2001 – Sept. 2004
Ph.D. (Human Geography)

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, China

Sept.1998 – Sept. 2001
Master of Science (Human Geography)

School of Geographic Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China

Sept. 1994 – Sept. 1998
Bachelor of Science (Geography)

College of Resources and Environment Sciences, Hebei Normal University, China

Work Experience

Dec. 2007 – present
Associate Professor, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Sept. 2006 – Sept. 2008
Post-Doc, Urban Development and Environment Research Center, CASS, Beijing, China

July 2004 – Nov. 2007
Associate Research Fellow, State Information Center, Beijing, China


1. Tian Ming. Employment Structure Evolution and Urbanization in China, Beijing: Science Press. 2008.

2. Tian Ming. A Comparative Study on the Deviation of Urbanization and Employment Structure in China, the fourth Chinese Economic Forum, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2008.

3. Tian Ming, Fan Jie, Sun Wei. Study on Shift of Coal-Mining Cities in China, Mining and Metallurgy (China), 2004, Vol.13, No .1:1 0-14, 37.

4. Tian Ming, Fan Jie. New Industrial Districts' Developmental Mechanism and Comparative Analysis to Traditional Spatial Organization Theories, Progress in Geography, 2003, Vol. 24, No. 6.

5. Tian Ming, Chang Chun-ping. Small Town Development and Institutional Innovation in China, Urban Planning, 2003, No. 7: 22-26.

6. Fan Jie, Tian Ming. Relative Analysis and Provincial Differences of China's Urbanization and Non-agricultural Development, Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003, Vol. 25, No. 6

7. Tian Ming. A Study on Regional Construction and Its Spatial Pattern. Science & Technology Review. 2002, No. 11: 56-59.

8. Tian Ming, Zhang Xiao-lin. New Perspective in Regional Study and Regional Construction. Areal Research and Development (in China), 2001, Vol. 20, No. 4: 6-9.

9. Tian Ming, Yuan Hai-qing. The Retrospect and Prospect of Research on Small Towns in China. Urban Research, 2001, No. 6: 58-61.

10. Tian Ming. A New View of Regional Construction and Regional Research. Science & Technology Review. 2001, No. 1: 61-64.

11. Tian Ming, He Liu. Development Trends and Models of Urbanization in China. Urban Research, 2000, No. 6: 3-6.

12. Tian Ming, Zhang Xiao-lin, Tang Mao-lin. County Towns Advantage in Rural Urbanization. Human Geography (in China), 2000, Vol. 15, No. 5: 19-23.

13. Tian Ming, Zhang Xiao-lin, A Study of Type about Town Modesl of China, Economic Geography (in China), 1999, Vol.1 9, No.6.

14. Fan Jie, Zhao Yan-xia, Tian Ming. Driving Mechanism and Approach of Economic Integration across the Taiwan Straits. Acta Geographica Scinica, 2003, Vol. 58, No. 3: 415-423.

15. Bo Jun-li, Tian Ming. Incentive Mechanism of Improving Utilization Efficiency of Natural Resources in China. Mining and Metallurgy (in China), 2005, Vol. 14, No. 4: 103-106.

Research Projects

Dec. 2008 – present Employment Structure and Urbanization Evolution Trend and Spatial Characteristic of China in Twelfth Five-Year Period." Funded by National Development and Reform Commission of P. R. China. (presided)

Sept. 2008 – present "Research on Major Function Oriented Zoning Coordinated Development of Beijing and Periphery area." Funded by National Development and Reform Commission of Beijing. (presided)

Mar. 2007 – Mar. 2008 "Planning of SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) Services Systems of China in Eleventh-Five Year Period." Funded by National Development and Reform Commission of P. R. China. (partner)

Dec. 2006 – Dec. 2008 "Migrant Workers' Employment and Settlement in Urban and Relation to Urban-rural Harmonious Development." Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. (presided)