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Jin Chenggang
Research Fields: Public Health, Community Health, Health Economics, Project Design and Ev...  




Email: cgjin2005@126.com





2008               Ph.D in Social Security, Beijing Normal University, Beijing

1995-1996       M.A. in Public Health, University of New South Wales, Australia

1982-1987       B.A. School of Public Health, Tongji Medical University, Shanghai




Work Experience

2006 - present        Associate Professor, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University 

2004 - 2006            Associate professor, School of Population, Renmin University of China

2001 - 2004            Deputy Dean, School of Public Health, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing
Teach Epidemiology, Multivariate Analysis, and Health Economics;
Principal Investigator (Consultant) of Monitoring and Evaluation of China Labor Market Establishment Project financed by The World Bank;
Consultant for Mid-term review of UHPP project financed by DFID;

1996 - 2001         Deputy Director of Project Division II of Foreign Loan Office, Ministry of Health
Responsible for implementing and supervising the World Bank financed "China Rural Health Workforce Development Project" and health projects financed by foreign government credit, prepared and initiated quality improvement program and performance management in the project, designed and conducted stakeholder-based Mid-term Review of "China Rural Health Workforce Development Project".

1994 - 1995       Project Manager
Prepared Guideline and implementation plan for "China Rural Health Workforce Development Project", involved in design and research of "China Rural Health Financing and Rural Doctors' Payment Pilot", organize implementation of the project, conducted project management training workshop and field supervision, headed Chinese team to participate government-WB joint supervision.

July-Dec., 1993   Data Analyst
Worked for Epidemiological Research Group, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

1991-Oct., 1993  Project Manager
Organized project preparation, participated project appraisal by the World Bank mission and project negotiation

1990 - 1991       Project Officer
Participated project identification, and was responsible for project preparation; involved in reviewing National Health Strategic Plan to link health sector development strategy with potential project; explored the approaches to translated the health sector strategy into specific project; prepared the Project Guiding Principle and project proposal, used Timeline, the computerized project management software, to schedule the project and allocated the budget.

1987 - 1989       Program coordinator, Department of Endemic Disease Control, Ministry of Health





  Program Evaluation with STATA
  Health Economics and Health Financing
  Advanced Statistics
  Introduction to Public Health




Research Projects

1.  Government Performance System Development in Purchasing Public Health Services in Community
2.  Impact Evaluation of Community Health Reform in Three Pilot Cities
3.  Impact Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Control Project supported by UNFPA
4.  Impact of MCH Health Improvement on Economic Growth in China
5.  Capacity development for project management of Global Fund III. in China
6.  Hospital's Behavior and Poverty, Major illness and Poverty research project supported by EU





  Government Performance Measurement and Improvement
  Data analysis with Stata
  Econometric modeling for program impact analysis
  Quasi-experimental design
  Epidemiological data analysis
  Program planning with Log Frame (logical framework)