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Graduate Association The 15-day Check-in Activities of "Self-disciplined SSDPPers" Successfully Concluded

source:   Release time:2023-12-04   views:

To help our students cultivate self-discipline habits and embrace a more positive and healthy life, SSDPP organized the 15-day check-in activities of "Self-disciplined SSDPPers", receiving a warm response. The students were expected to choose one of the three activities (sports, reading and vocabulary memorizing) for a 15-day check-in. Now let's review this event together!

I.  Check-in situation

The event last from November 11 to 25, for a total of 15 days. Online check-in was conducted through the WeChat mini program. A total of 31 students participated in the activity, including 9 to clock in for sports, 2 for reading, and 20 for vocabulary memorizing.

Through unremitting perseverance, a total of 18 students have won the first prize after clocking in for 15 days, eight students have won the second prize after clocking in for 13-14 days, and two have won the third prize for clocking in for 10-12 days. Let's applaud for our steadfast determination! The awards we prepared for winners will be issued soon.

II. Excellent Performance

1. Sports check-in:

Many students chose to check in for walking, cycling and running. They exercised and relaxed during their daily walks, getting closer to nature and calming down to slowly discover the beautiful moments in life. While cycling and running, they fully enjoyed the fun of sports, released the pressure of learning and life, and enjoyed the outdoor scenery as well. Let's give thumbs up to their healthy lifestyle, hoping that they will stick to their exercise habits and continue to enjoy the happiness and health brought by exercise!


2. Reading check-in:

In this activity, two students chose reading check-in. They wandered in the sea of books, exploring the treasure of knowledge and feeling the charm of words. Each book is a window to knowledge, and every paragraph is a spiritual dialogue. I hope they will gain more inspiration and insights in their future reading!


3. Vocabulary memorizing check-in:

The number of the students for vocabulary check-in is the largest. They persisted in memorizing a certain number of words every day and recording their learning progress during check-in. Through the self-managed and self-motivated learning, they have not only expanded their vocabulary, but also cultivated good learning habits and firm perseverance. I hope they'll persevere on the path of learning, constantly move forward, and gain more knowledge and wisdom!


III. Reflection on the event

After the event, many students shared their gains and experiences from participating in this activity. Let's take a look together!

Li Yunlong, a MSW enrolled at SSDPP in 2023:

After the postgraduate entrance examination, I interrupted my vocabulary memorization for over 300 days. Objectively speaking, my English ability declined to some extent. I was, therefore, very happy to take part in the activity. After memorizing 700 words per day for 15 consecutive days, I felt the power of perseverance and the satisfaction it brought me to achieve my goals. My English vocabulary has been significantly expanded, especially for some rare words, I am able to use them more fluently. In this event, we checked in for different activities, but had a common goal: to improve our self-discipline awareness and ability. By participating in the activity, I've developed the habit of memorizing vocabulary and formulated a better schedule and plan for learning. In addition, I've got a more in-depth understanding of the saying: success comes from unremitting efforts. I'm now full of confidence in my future learning and life. Finally, I'd like to express my gratitude to SSDPP for providing us with the opportunity to study and clock in, as well as to all the staff who have worked hard for this event.

Zheng Yuran, a MSW enrolled at SSDPP in 2023:

My initial purpose for participating in the 15-day clock in activity was to encourage myself to exercise every day. After half a month of persistence, I found that I had gained a lot. Physically, I have more energy every day. Spiritually, as I listened to podcasts while walking, I have made cognitive progress. In short, I am very grateful to SSDPP for organizing this event. It helped me rediscover the significance of walking, and made walking one of my habits gradually.

Yang Meng, a student of Public Administration Department who enrolled at SSDPP in 2023:

The 15-day clock in program helped me develop good habits. Every day, I have like-minded good friends who help, motivate and supervise each other. From passive learning to active learning, I have really gained a lot.

Miao Genyin, a student of Public Administration Department who enrolled at SSDPP in 2023:

More than ten consecutive days of check-in activity has enriched my life and helped me develop good habits, giving me a great sense of achievement. During this period, I persisted in cycling every day. Sometimes it was very cold and I really wanted to stay in bed, but I overcame laziness and persisted in cycling. I feel proud of myself! Thanks to the teachers and schoolmates who organized the activity! Thanks to my friends who accompanied me during cycling, and thanks to myself for persistence to meet a better self!

During the 15-day self-discipline check-in activity, we persevered together, encouraged each other, and spent a meaningful time. We have not only developed good habits, but also made many like-minded friends to grow and progress together. Thanks to everyone who participated in the event. It was your persistence and efforts that made the activity full of vitality and energy. On the road to self-discipline, there may be difficulties and challenges, but we believe that our persistence is a kind of growth. I hope this 15-day activity will become an unforgettable memory of your self-discipline journey, making self-discipline the most beautiful scenery in your life.

In the future, let's continue to move forward hand in hand, witness the power of self-discipline together, and meet a better version of ourselves!

Photo/Text: Wang Xinran, Peng Xihuan

Reviewed by: Shen Haotong