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Q&A on Master's Program

Release time:2013-05-02   views:


I.Application requirements

1.Can a student with a nationally accredited undergraduate diploma but not a bachelor's degree apply for graduate studies of BNU?

Yes, he can.


2.Can the undergraduate school leavers with nationally accredited qualifications and the graduates of adult college, self-taught higher education, correspondence university, evening university and remote education apply for graduate studies of BNU?


The candidates with nationally accredited bachelor’s degree may register for examination as graduates, but those who have completed their undergraduate studies but not obtained the diploma and the fresh graduates of adult colleges (excluding students for self-examination and online education) (not obtained the undergraduate diploma yet at the time of registration) may only enter themselves as applicants with equivalent level education. See the Admission Brochure for other requirements for applicants with equivalent education level. The applicants who have passed the self-taught examination and the graduates of correspondence university, evening university and remote education (including Networking Academy) are required to present the original nationally accredited undergraduate diploma. Those who have not obtained the undergraduate diploma may not apply.  


3.Can college graduates apply for the graduate studies of BNU?

After study for at least two years (from college graduation to September of the year for master admission) and reaching the equivalent level of university graduates (see the Admission Brochure for details), those who have nationally accredited college degree may apply for the graduate studies. Interdisciplinary equivalent candidates are not allowed to apply for graduate studies.


4.Can juniors apply for the graduate studies of BNU?


No, usually they can't. However, if the university practices the Credit System and provides a letter to agree him to apply for graduate study stamped with the university seal, the implementation measures on the Credit System as well as relevant documents on his course transcript, a junior may apply for the graduate studies. Even if he is admitted, if the junior cannot submit the original graduation certificate for registration, the admission offer will become null and void.


5.Can the candidates with a master or doctorate's degree apply for the graduate studies?


Yes, they can, but they may not enjoy the basic graduate scholarship. A graduate school applicant must present a letter from his or her school that agrees him or her to apply for the graduate studies and must handle the drop-out procedures of the original school before admission.


6.Can non-normal university students apply for the graduate studies of BNU?


Beijing Normal University is a comprehensive university and the graduate admission covers both normal university graduates and non-normal university graduates. All eligible students may apply for the graduate studies and independently choose their own jobs after graduation.


7. Is inter-disciplinary application allowed?


Yes, all candidates with nationally accredited undergraduate diploma may apply for the graduate studies (except the majors listed in the Admission Brochure with special version).


II.How to register for the exam


8.When will the graduate entrance examination be held?


The graduate enrollment is organized by the government. The Ministry of Education will announce the specific examination time that year. The timetable for graduate admission in 2012, for example, was as follows:

     Announcement of Admission Brochure in late July 2011

     Online registration in October 2011

     On-site photography, information proofreading in November 2011

     Exam in January 2012 (preliminary test)

     Re-examination at the end of March 2012

     Admission in May 2012

     Enrollment in September 2012


The above time is for reference only. Please see the Admission Brochure and online notice of that year for the accurate time.


9.How should we sign up master's entrance examination?


Application for graduate enrollment examination includes two steps: online registration and on-site confirmation. Candidates are required to read carefully the Admission Brochure before the application, log in the Chinese Graduate Admissions Information Network for online registration within the registration time provided by the Ministry of Education. After that, within the on-site confirmation time, the candidate is required to go to the on-site registration point he selected for photographing and registration information confirmation with his own ID card (Military ID for active duty and military civilian the cadres), student card (for fresh graduates) and academic certificates (non- fresh graduates) as well as the online registration number.


10.How should we choose Postgraduate Entrance Examination Registration Point?


Except the specialties with special requirements mentioned by the Admission Brochure, candidates may apply for and take the exam in BNU or other places. The exam registration points outside BNU are under the overall arrangements of local college admissions offices and candidates may contact with local college admissions offices for inquiry before registration. Candidates must take the exam at the registration site.


11.When will you begin to accept the recommended candidates exempted from admission exam?


The university releases online notice on accepting recommended candidates exempted from admission exam in early September every year. Eligible students who want to apply for graduate studies in our school can download and fill in the relevant form and submit it to the school in accordance with the provisions.


12.Are the recommended candidates exempted from admission exam covered by the enrollment plan in the Admission Brochure?


The number of students to be enrolled provided by the Admission Brochure is just a forecast figure. The actual number of enrolled students of various departments will be adjusted in the second interview stage according to the state’s approval for the number and sources of students to be enrolled as well as the exam results of the candidates.


When talking about the number of enrolled students according to the enrollment plan, the recommended candidates exempted from admission exam are taken into account. As the number of recommended candidates exempted from admission exam cannot be determined until the development of the enrollment plan, the number of recommended candidates cannot be determined precisely in advance, usually accounting for 30% to 50% of the total.


13.How will the school review the candidates' qualification for the postgraduate admission examination?


Before the registration, the candidate should read the Admission Brochure carefully and check whether he or she is eligible or not. The review of qualification will be conducted in the second interview stage. Candidates who do not meet the conditions will not be accepted and relevant consequences shall be borne by the candidate himself. Whoever cheats in the entrance examination will be cancelled the qualification for the second interview and enrollment and even his or her given status as a student. The materials to be submitted will be listed in the specific notice.


14.Will any additional test be arranged for the candidates with equivalent education level who have passed the first exam?


The candidates with equivalent education level have to take the written tests of two main courses for undergraduates in the related field. 


15.What admission categories are designed for the master program? How to choose the admission categories?


1. The school has reformed the post-graduate training mechanism. The academic graduate admission categories include: graduate students for non-target training and those for target training. Those whose personnel files have been transferred to Beijing Normal University are for non-target training and those whose personnel files have not been transferred to the university are for the target training.


2. All graduate students are required to pay tuition fee. The academic postgraduate will receive a three-year education and the tuition is 8,000 Yuan per person per year.


3. The university has set up the basic scholarship for academic masters, covering 100% of the students. With satisfying results in entrance examination, after passing the annual test, the graduate students (including the objects of target training) shall be given the basic scholarship equivalent to the total tuition that year, i.e. 8,000 Yuan per person per year. The scholarship can be used to offset the annual tuition.


In addition, academic non-target training graduate students may also apply for basic grants. The Basic grants for graduate students are established by relevant departments and assessment and management are conducted based on annual situation. The amount of basic grant is 3,800 Yuan per person per year.


4.In accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education, the tuition of the candidates who have obtained a master or doctoral degree and are more than 40 years old have to be paid in full by the candidates themselves (self-funded training) or by their working units (commissioned training). These two kinds of masters may not apply for the basic scholarship or basic grant.


The on-job applicants should take into account whether they will resign from the present work units and whether they will transfer their personal files after they are admitted to the graduate school. Those who can leave the work units may apply for non-target training program. Those who are unwilling to leave the work unit or transfer their residence and personal files should obtain the consent of the unit and apply for non-target training. If a student who applies for target training is admitted, his or her personal files, registered permanent residence and other documents shall be kept in the commissioning unit. Before the admission, a tripartite agreement shall be signed by the student, the unit applying for target training (with the right of personnel administration) and our university. After graduation, the student is required to return to the commissioning unit.


Fresh graduates (except for those who have selected target or commissioned training during the undergraduate education period) and the candidates who have already graduated but have not found jobs with personal files in the talent exchange centers should select non-target training program. If they are admitted, their personal files and registered permanent residence usually should be transferred to our university and the students may independently choose their own jobs after graduation.



16.Can the students with financial difficulties apply for a loan during the school time?


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the student loan policy, some self-funded post graduates whose families are really in financial difficulties may apply for the National Student Loan, at most 6,000 Yuan per person per year. The National Student Loan can be applied after the freshmen admission.


III.Advice and reference


17.Are there any reference books for the post-graduate entrance examination? Where to buy?


The Admission Brochure of BNU provides the list of references for entrance examinations of most of the colleges (departments), which can be obtained in the bibliography query system for the preliminary test with the codes of first-test subjects. The bibliography listed in the Admission Brochure is for reference only, not a syllabus.


Reference books shall be purchased or borrowed from nationwide libraries by the candidates themselves. Our bookstore for obtaining master and doctoral degree has collected more than 80% of the bibliographies and the students can directly buy them from the bookstore (opposite to the south gate of Beijing Normal University) or visit the website of the bookstore (http://www.bsdky.com/). The Graduate Admissions Office does not provide any reference book.


18.Will the postgraduate entrance examination papers of previous years be provided?


The Graduate Admissions Office does not provide the previous entrance examination papers. Some colleges and departments of BNU have some past exam papers, which are available in September. The College of Chemistry does not provide any past exam papers.  


19.Will the university hold any professional tutorial class?


No, it won't.


20.Will a list of mentors and contact ways be provided?


The applicants for master program of our university are only required to clarify the professions and research directions, not mentors. After they are admitted, the relevant colleges and departments will determine their instructors according to their majors, research directions, etc. Therefore, we do not offer the list of mentors and their contact ways. For more information about the professions, please visit the websites of relevant colleges and departments for introduction to the instructors. If you have any more questions, please contact the relevant colleges (departments).


21.How can the examinee know the first test results timely?


The Admission Brochure, the preliminary examination bibliography, the re-examination and written examination bibliography, registration and examination schedule, the first test results and basic scores for re-examination will all be announced at the website of the Graduate School. Candidates must visit the website for relevant notice and their first test results to know whether they are in the name list of the candidates for re-examination and the name list of students to be admitted. The website of the Graduate School is: http://graduate.bnu.edu.cn.


Candidates need to download the "admission card for entrance examination", the "preliminary examination report card" and the "re-examination notice". The university will not send any written notice.


Candidates should visit the website of or call the relevant colleges (departments) for any information related to the professions. Please visit the websites and check the telephone numbers and contact persons of relevant colleges (departments).


If you have any question on the admission policy, please call the Graduate Admissions Office at 010 - 58808156.


22.What are the basic score requirements for re-examination of the master program of BNU and what are the methods for re-examination?


Please refer to BNU's Notice on the Basic Scores for Retest of the Academic Master Program 2012 and the 2012 Retrial Accepting Line of Postgraduate Entrance Examination of BNU and Relevant Arrangements for Retest. The above retrial accepting line and retest methods are for reference only. Please see the online notice for the score line of the year when you apply for the graduate studies.


23.How many students applied for the postgraduate entrance examinations in the previous years and how many of them were admitted?


   Please refer to BNU's announcements on the number of candidates as well as the number and proportion of the students who were admitted in relevant departments respectively in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Note: 1. While talking about the number of candidates and the admitted students, we do not take into account the recommended students exempted from examination. 2. The admitted students of a certain field include the candidates transferred to our university, so the admission rate may exceed 100%.