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The Award Ceremony and Seminar of the 2023 Social Work Education Practice Case Competition Successfully Held

source:   Release time:2023-12-13   views:

On December 8, 2023, the "Award Ceremony and Seminar of the 2023 Social Work Education Practice Case Competition", which was jointly organized by China Association of Social Workers, the School of Social Development and Public Policy of Beijing Normal University and the Health and Social Policy Research Center of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at Beijing Normal University, was successfully held at the Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University. About 90 people from more than 30 domestic universities and social work institutions were present at the event and conducted in-depth exchange on how to carry out social work education practice.

On the morning of December 8, the event was held at B101 of Lijiao Building. The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Xu Yuebin. Vice Dean Li Jiayong and Professor Tian Donghua delivered a speech respectively. The award ceremony was presided over by Professor Jin Chenggang. Professor Tian Donghua read out the list of winners. Professor Qu Zhiyong, Dean of the School of Sociology at Beijing Normal University, and Dr. Yang Aibing, Office Director of China Association of Social Workers, presented the awards to the winners. After that, Professor Peng Siqing from Peking University and Professor Chen Tao from the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences delivered wonderful keynote speeches. Then, the four first prize winners, namely Zhang Lei from Wuyi University, Hong Pei from Central China Normal University, Yang Jing from Guizhou University and Huang Haiping from Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, gave wonderful presentations.

On the afternoon of December 8, the seminar continued at No.7 Building of Wenhua Garden. The thematic discussions were held simultaneously in two venues, and the other winners gave brilliant speeches. It is worth mentioning that the hosts and speakers of the thematic discussion are social work professionals from Inner Mongolia Normal University, Guizhou University, Guangxi Medical University and Gansu University of Political Science and Law, who had in-depth exchanges.

Finally, the participants conducted heated discussions on "what the educational community can do for more effective social work education", and the seminar successfully concluded in a lively atmosphere.

The "Workshop on Enhancing Social Work Research Abilities", which followed the seminar, was successfully held from December 9 to10. Nearly 30 social work teachers from Inner Mongolia Normal University, Guizhou University, Guangxi Medical University and Gansu University of Political Science and Law were present at the event. The participants, led by the keynote speakers, conducted learning and discussions on topics such as "Social Work Education Reform Project Design", "Writing and Publishing of Chinese and English Papers", and "Social Work Research", and enhanced their scientific research vision and abilities.

Reviewed by: Xiao Shuzhen