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Lou Weiqun,Vivian
Responsibilities: Critical Issues in Human Development•Agi...  


Assistant professor
Department of social work and social administration
The University of Hong Kong
Ph.D., MSW, MEd, BEd, RSW


•Critical Issues in Human Development
•Aging and Society
•Social Development Challenges in China
•Community Building and the Civil Society
•Civil Society Organizations and Social Development


Research Projects/Grant:
•A study on assessing and enhancing spirituality among elders living in residential homes in Hong Kong and Shanghai 
•Protecting social isolation and loneliness: Attributions and coping strategies among older adults living alone in Hong Kong 
•Social Welfare and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Responsible Risk-Taking 
• Family caregivers for the frail and very elderly: Well-being and needs in Hong Kong and Shanghai 
•A preliminary study on the prevalence rate of depressive symptoms of older adults receiving community-based and residential long-term care


Community Services:
•Vice-chairperson, Specialized Commitee on Elderly Services, The Hong Kong Council of Social Services
•Committee Member, Specialized Committee on Social Development, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
•Council Member of Hong Kong Young Women's Christina Association
•Consultant, Service Planning and Development, Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women's Association Jockey Club Women Integrated Service Centre


Selected Publications:
•Lou, V, W. Q. (2010). Life Satisfaction of Older Adults in Hong Kong �V The Role of Social Support from Grandchildren. Social Indicators Research, 95(3), 377-391.
•Lou , V. W. Q., & Gui, S. X. (2010). The psychological well-being of older people. In S. Y. Chen & J. L. Powell (Eds.), Aging in perspective and the case of China: Issues and approaches (pp. 213-229). New York: Nova Science Publishers.


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